How far is it from Kargil to Koothatkhulam? The heart of memories.
Distance from Koothatkulam to Kargil is estimated by Google to be 3588 km. But the heart distance between these two places is zero! For the brave soldiers who gave their lives for the country. Kargil Junction can be seen while traveling from Koothatkulam to Pala via Uzhavoor. In June 1999, when the Kargil war was raging, a few local youths discovered the Kargil Junction. The youth named the intersection, which was till then known as Muttapillithazham, as Kargil Junction Later the name Kargil Junction was written in the waiting center as well. Today the function of the municipality. It was during the Kargil war that the locals thought of giving a name like this. Kargil Junction was written in the waiting area. Soldiers have been honored many times by meeting at the junction on Kargil Victory Day.